We want to write about topics that people are interested in, so oftentimes we turn to Google to see what’s in the news and what people are searching. Thanks to Google’s autofill feature, we can get a good understanding of some of the most common questions that people are asking in regards to criminal law and their lawyer. In today’s blog, we answer some of the more common criminal defense-related questions that we’re seeing being searched on Google.
What Legal Questions Are People Asking?
Here’s a look at some of the more common searched questions in regards to the criminal trial process, and our answers based on decades of experience?
1. Will My Lawyer Speak For Me In Court?
Answer – Absolutely. Not only do we plan your defense, but we also present it in court. We also handle the interviewing or cross examination of witnesses. The only time you will be asked to talk in court is if your legal team decides that you’d like to testify on your behalf, in which you’ll take the stand and answer questions under oath, or some basic “yes or no” style questions asking whether you understand the charges and if you agree to let a lawyer speak on your behalf. We’ll do all the heavy lifting in court.
2. Will My Lawyer Give Me A Loan?
Answer – While every law firm is different, it seems unlikely that they would be willing to loan you a large some of money. What’s more common is that a law firm will understand that a legal charge and lawyer fees can put you under some financial duress, so they’ll work with you to develop a payment plan to cover your legal expenses. We may need some up front money as part of a standard retainer, but we’re always will to help develop a repayment plan for clients who can show that they have the means to pay off a debt over a longer period of time.
3. Can My Lawyer Go To Court For Me?
Answer – Yes and no. In most cases, your lawyer can appear on your behalf for certain appearances, but at trial you’ll be required to be in attendance. Talk to your lawyer about whether or not your presence is required. Even if it’s not required, you attendance can help showcase that you are taking the charges seriously, which could help with your case in the long run.
4. Can My Lawyer Talk To The Other Party?
Answer – Yes. The two sides often have to communicate to share what evidence they will be entering and what witnesses they will be calling, and the defense and prosecution can also discuss plea options. Pleas can be a great way to avoid a more serious charge or penalties, so it’s not uncommon for the two sides to contact one another.
5. Why Does My Lawyer Want To Settle?
Answer – A lawyer has a pretty good gauge for how the evidence will come off in court, so if they suspect you’ll have a very hard time winning, or you’ve made mentioned that you simply cannot afford to go to jail and it is a possibility based on the charges you are facing, a settlement or plea bargain can help you control some aspects of your punishment in return for a guilty plea or a plea to a lesser charge. Sometimes it’s your best option, and other times your best bet is to see your case in court. Either way, we’re here to help you understand you options.
6. Does My Lawyer Have A Crush On Me?
Answer – Probably not. We’ll be honest, it was a little surprising to see this on the top searches. No, it’s very unlikely your lawyer has a crush on you. We do have a penchant for justice, so if we seem overly interested in you, it’s probably because we believe we can work hard to get you the justice you deserve!
For more information, or for answers to other questions you may have, reach out to Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm today.