We say this ahead of numerous holidays each year, but again it bears repeating. Police will be out in full force tonight in order to keep the roads clear of drunk drivers. St. Patrick’s Day is often a holiday that is rung in with spirits, and even in the wake of the coronavirus and social distancing, we still expect a sizable portion of Minnesotans to head to the bar or celebrate with a small group of friends. If you get behind the wheel after drinking, know that your risk of getting caught by police increases exponentially.
Avoiding A St. Patrick’s Day DUI
Even if you believe that you’re a “better” driver when you’ve had a few, that reasoning isn’t going to hold up in court if you are found to be over the legal limit. Moreover, because of the extra enforcement, you’re not as likely to get the benefit of the doubt if you’re driving with a busted tail light or your roll through a stop sign. On an average night with bigger fish to fry, police may not make it a point to track you down, but on a night known for drinking and with more police to cover more incidents, they’ll have no problem conducting a traffic stop just to ensure the driver is under the legal limit.
We always get a surge in calls on March 18 for DUI arrests, and they all range in severity. We’ve heard from the guy who blew nearly four times the legal limit, and we’ve heard from the mother who had two glasses of wine at a dinner with friends. Either way, if they are over 0.08, they are going to end up in handcuffs. One may be easier to contest in court, but no matter what, the charge is going to carry some serious penalties.
If you’re lost and wondering where to turn after a St. Patrick’s Day DUI or a different criminal charge, know that you have an ally in Appelman Law Firm. As we mentioned on the blog yesterday, we offer free strategy sessions to all of our potential clients to gauge whether we would be a good fit for one another. We can also provide you with some answers and point you in the right direction in terms of what steps come next. To set up that free meeting, check out yesterday’s blog post.
Don’t be the person who ends up in jail on St. Patrick’s Day. Celebrate the holiday responsibly and hopefully from a safe social distance. But if things go wrong and you need an expert in your corner, look no further than Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm. Give our office a call today at (952) 224-2277.