Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Many people believe that Cinco de Mayo is the Mexican version of the Fourth of July here in America, but that’s not actually the case. Cinco de Mayo is not a celebration of Mexico gaining its independence, it’s actually a celebration of the anniversary of the Mexican army’s unlikely victory over Napoleon and the French forces at the Battle of Pueblo on May 5, 1862.
Regardless of your knowledge of the holiday, many people use Cinco de Mayo as another a reason to indulge in some chimichangas and margaritas. So while you may be looking forward to drinking and dancing the night away, you need to remember that police will be out in full looking for drunk drivers and other law breakers.
Cinco de Mayo DUI
There are a lot of Cinco de Mayo events taking place in the Twin Cities metro and surrounding areas today and this weekend, but you still need to remember to keep it in check. If you’re going to be staying out and enjoying some adult beverages, make sure you have a safe ride home planned. Here are some tips to get home safe after a night out celebrating Cinco de Mayo.
1. Call a Cab or an Uber – Oftentimes a cab or an Uber is about $20-$40, which is much cheaper than the thousands of dollars you’d spend as a result of a DUI conviction. If you can’t afford a cab fare, you certainly can’t afford the price of a DUI.
2. Take Public Transportation – For a couple of bucks, you can hitch a ride on the light rail or on a bus. To see which buses are in your area and to plan your route, click here.
3. Designated Driver – To ensure you get home safe, designate a sober driver before the night begins. Cinco de Mayo isn’t a widely-celebrated holiday, so odds are you can find a driver who doesn’t mind skipping the adult beverages.
4. Walk Home – It looks like a beautiful day outside, and temperatures are supposed to be in the mid 70’s. Even the low is only supposed to be 55 degrees, so if you’re only going to be celebrating a few blocks away, grab a light jacket and walk to your destination.
5. Call Us – We’re not going to be shuttling people around tonight, but if you end up in a situation where you made a mistake and you end up in handcuffs, make sure we are your first call. We can help get you out of custody so you can get on with life while we develop a plan to help you challenge the charges. Reach out to us at (952) 224-2277 if you have any questions or concerns. We’ll answer 24/7.