Minnesota’s hands-free law goes into effect on August 1, and when it does, drivers will no longer be able to drive while using a hand to hold or operate their cell phone. You are allowed “one touch” to connect the incoming call to a hands-free device, but more than that can put you in violation of the law and at risk of getting a ticket.
We can help you get out of a ticket in the event you earn a citation, but we’d rather help prevent you from getting a ticket in the first place. And the best way to do that is by sharing five tips for helping you avoid getting a hands-free driving citation.
Avoiding A Ticket
Here are five tips for avoiding a ticket for using a a cell phone behind the wheel when the new law goes into effect.
1. Bluetooth Car Sync – Many newer car models are bluetooth compatible, and once you do the initial pairing, many cars will automatically sync with your phone when you get in the car. Check your owner’s manual to see if your vehicle is bluetooth compatible and connect your device to your car. As long as you have your bluetooth engaged on your phone, it should connect to your car when you get in range. This way, an incoming call will automatically be heard through your car’s built-in audio system after your press one button to answer the call, meaning you’ll then be able to take the call in hands-free mode.
2. Dashboard Mounts – Dashboard mounts are a great option regardless of whether you have in-car bluetooth or not. Putting your phone in a dashboard or vent mount will allow you to use it as a GPS at eye-level or have it in a good position in the event you get a call. While technically two clicks, when the phone is mounted in a dashboard mount, you can answer and then click speakerphone in order to take the call in a hands-free manner without using bluetooth.
3. Bluetooth Earpieces – Bluetooth earpieces aren’t as popular as they once were, but they are a great gadget for the car now that the hands-free law is going into effect. If your car doesn’t have bluetooth, you can connect your phone to this small device that sits over your ear. When you get a call, you can answer with just the push of a button, and you’ll be able to hear the other party clear as day in your ear. These devices also have built-in microphones so whoever you’re talking to can hear you without needing to talk into your phone.
4. Headphone – Under Minnesota law, you are allowed to answer a phone call using headphones, but you are not allowed to have both headphones in your ears at once. Plug your phone into your earbuds when you get in the car, and then if you get a call, answer it and put a headphone in one of your ears, and you’ll be in compliance with the law.
5. Ignore It – Finally, the vast majority of phone calls we make and receive on a daily basis can wait a few minutes. Wait until you get to your destination to pick up the phone or to give that person a call back. If you can’t wait, pull over or use a hands-free device, otherwise you may end up with a ticket!
If you end up with a ticket once the law begins in August, let us help you contest the ticket. It’s going to be a tough case for police to prove if you don’t admit to the action, so let us help you fight and beat the charges. Contact us today for a free case review at (952) 224-2277 or click here.