Even the most mundane of criminal charges can have consequences, and while we’re not saying that a ticket for rolling a stop sign is going to keep you from getting that promotion, criminal charges can certainly have serious consequences. Today, we share five ways a criminal charge can seriously impact your life, and we explain why a defense lawyer may end being your best friend.
Effects of Criminal Charges
Depending on the severity of your charges, here are five aspects of your life that can be effected by a criminal charge.
1. Employment – Whether you have a job or you’re looking for one, a criminal charge can seriously affect your employment status. If you spend time in jail, you can be fired from work, or if you get a DUI and lose your license, you can lose your job if you work in the transportation industry. Similarly, if you are looking for a job, many employers will pass over your application if they see you’ve been charged with selling or possessing drugs. Lawyers can help keep you out of jail and get charges reduced so they don’t stay on your permanent record.
2. School – If you’re a teen, criminal charges can have a big impact on your school life. It can lead to you getting kicked off the baseball or soccer team, and it can keep you out of organizations like the National Honor Society. Certain charges are required to be disclosed on college applications, so if it comes down to you and another student for admission, odds are they’ll select the prospective student without a sexual assault on their record.
3. Your Bank Account – Criminal charges often carry more fees than the original fine amount, and they can add up over time. This is especially true for traffic charges or a DUI, as they can jack up your insurance rates for years. Hundreds of dollars more on your insurance premiums over the course of a few years can add up to multiple thousands of dollars in additional costs because of a stupid traffic violation. This is where spending money on a lawyer can help you save money in the long run.
4. Housing – Now, if you own a home, a disorderly conduct charge isn’t going to affect your living sitution, but if you rent an apartment or live in college housing, it might. Tenants with drug charges are much less likely to see their application approved, and you can get kicked out of student housing if you end up in trouble with the law. Again, a lawyer can help prevent these headaches by contesting your case in court.
5. Driver’s License – Finally, if you end up with a DUI or an accumulation of traffic tickets, you can have your driver’s license suspended or revoked. This can make it hard to pick up your kids from school, grab groceries from the store or get to work on time. We’ve handled numerous traffic cases for our clients, and oftentimes we can help them keep their license or at least get an occupational license. If you are at risk for losing your license, reach out to Appelman Law Firm today.