If you are facing the prospect of being arrested, you’re probably nervous and wondering what to do. It can be an overwhelming and surreal moment, but if you take the right steps after an arrest, you’ll be in a better position to beat any potential charges. Below, we share five steps to take if you may or have ended up in handcuffs.
What To Do When You’re Arrested
Here are five things you’ll want to do if you believe you may be arrested.
1. Remain Calm – This is easier said than done, but remaining calm and cordial with the officer is a must. Being aggressive or indignant will only escalate the situation, which can lead to more charges. Even if you know you are in the right, remain calm and trust that the situation will work out in court. Take some deep breaths, remain calm, and answer the questions the officer has for you without oversharing details.
2. Remember Your Rights – A lot of people end up in trouble by oversharing information or inadvertently helping police with their case. Stick to short answers, and don’t consent to a search or your body or your vehicle. If they want to search those areas, they need to place you under arrest or get a warrant. Answer their questions with yes and no answers when possible, and remember that the police are not on your side.
3. Do Not Resist – Again, resisting is only going to lead to more problems. You have to trust that your attorney is going to be able to get the charges thrown out, so do not try to run or resist the officers. This will only lead to more charges, and it will put you in a negative light with the court.
4. Contact a Lawyer – At some point, you are going to be given a moment to make a phone call. We recommend that you call a lawyer, as they’ll be able to go to work right away on your case and help secure your release. If you’re going to call a friend or a family member, be sure to tell them to contact a lawyer on your behalf as soon as the call ends. Let them know where you are being held and what you’re being charged with.
5. Be Truthful With Your Lawyer – Finally, it is very important that you be upfront and honest with your lawyer. Your lawyer is going to make your case based on the details you tell them, so if you lie, it could cripple your defense. Even if you believe the truth paints you in a bad light, tell it to your lawyer, as they’ll be able to frame it as they want or prepare for the prosecution’s case before trial.
For more tips, or to contact a lawyer if you’ve been arrested, reach out to Appelman Law Firm today.