If you need legal assistance, it can be difficult to figure out which lawyer or firm you should hire to help you with your case. We’ve shared some tips on how to find the right lawyer for your case in the past, but we want to flip the question a bit for today’s blog. In this blog, we want to shine a light on four types of lawyers you should avoid for your criminal case.
4 Lawyers To Avoid
If you have pending criminal charges, here’s a look at four types of lawyers and law firms you should avoid, and why we think you should stay away.
1. The Jack Of All Trades – You know how the full saying goes “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Be wary of hiring a lawyer to defend you if they also handle personal injury cases, business ligation and family law. They may not have the knowledge or experience compared to someone who only works on criminal defense cases. That could make the difference between getting the charges dropped and being convicted, so don’t take the lawyer that spreads themselves too thin.
2. The Cheap Lawyer – Another old adage that often rings true is that “you get what you pay for.” Now, that’s not to say that an expensive lawyer will always be able to get you out of trouble and a cheap lawyer will never win, but with experience and case victories comes a slightly higher price tag. Not to mention that paying a little more for a lawyer can often save you a lot of money in the long run if they get the charges reduced or dropped. Don’t make price your top factor when choosing a lawyer.
3. The Difficult To Reach Lawyer – Lawyers are supposed to be good at communicating, but if you’re finding it difficult to set up a free initial consultation or they won’t respond your calls, it’s a sign that they may not be the best fit for your case. Remember, they are working for you, so if they aren’t giving you the attention you deserve, look elsewhere.
4. The Inexperienced Lawyer – Would you rather have a 20-year-old mechanic working on your car or a mechanic who has been working on cars for 20 years? Experience matters, especially when there is a lot on the line, which is often the case in the courtroom. You want someone who can account for all possibilities and knows how to best challenge an allegation or convince a judge, and a lot of these skills can only best developed over years in the courtroom. We have decades of experience doing that.
If you’d like to talk to a lawyer about your case or are considering seeing if we’d be a good fit for your case, pick up the phone and call us at (952) 224-2277 or click here to fill out a contact form.