On the heels of a big increase in DUI arrests over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, the Minnesota State Patrol announced that they will be conducting extra DUI enforcement through December 30.
According to the numbers from Thanksgiving, this was the highest weekend DUI arrest total since 2014. Here’s a closer look at the breakdown of drunk driving arrests over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Extra Enforcement Planned
The holiday season is often one of the most deadly times on Minnesota roads for a number of reasons. Road conditions worsen as snow and ice are added to the mix, more people hit the road as they travel for holidays, and if you add alcohol to the mix, you have a deadly combination. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety’s Office of Traffic Safety knows this, and they want to help spread the word that police will be out in full force looking for inhebriated drivers, so Minnesotans should make good decisions when it comes to getting behind the wheel.
“There’s so much excitement around the holidays as Minnesotans get together with friends and family, some of whom they haven’t seen for a while,” said Bob Hawkins, assistant commissioner, Minnesota Department of Public Safety. “The scary part is when drinking and driving becomes part of the festivities. For too many Minnesota families, there’s going to be an empty seat at the table because of one poor choice. Please plan ahead for a sober ride.”
More than 300 agencies throughout the state will participate in the extra DUI enforcement. Overtime and other funding will be provided by a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
So whether you’re out doing some holiday shopping or heading over to your friend’s house for a Christmas party this season, make sure you plan ahead and make good decisions. Cops will be out in full force looking for drunk drivers, speeders and unbelted drivers, so have your travel plans made before you start drinking. If you end up over the limit, take a cab, a bus, the light rail, an uber or another form of public transportation to get to your destination.
Everyone deserves to have a safe and happy holiday season, but that is jeopardized if you get behind the wheel when you’re under the influence of alcohol. We can help you or a loved one out of a sticky situation if you end up in handcuffs, but we honestly hope that none of our readers need our help this season. Be smart, plan ahead, and have a wonderful holiday season!