Prostitution Stings in Minnesota
The business of prostitution has changed significantly in the past decade, shifting from the streets to the internet. Websites like Craigslist and Backpage make it easy for prostitutes to advertise their services, and even easier for patrons to find exactly what they want. Other sites, like The Erotic Review, allow patrons to read and post reviews of prostitutes. Watch the video below for a brief explanation of how Minnesota prostitution stings work:
Police prostitution stings will post false advertisements on sites like these, offering sexual favors for money. The language used in these advertisements is coded. For example, you won’t find someone offering a “blowjob for 20 bucks.” Instead advertisements offer massages or use regional terminology as code for sexual favors. For example:
- “Greek” is code for anal sex
- “French” is code for oral sex
Most police prostitution stings operate on a two-call system. When a prospective patron calls the number posted on a fake advertisement, the initial information exchanged is very general. The undercover officer will give the patron a general location at which to meet (e.g. hwy 42 and I-35 in Burnsville). Once in the area the patron must then call again to get a specific location (e.g. Holiday Inn, Rm. 231). All calls are recorded and may be used as evidence.
Prostitution Code Words
Once the patron arrives at the designated location (usually a hotel room that is wired and video recorded from another room), the undercover officer will entice conversation regarding the patron’s desires by asking questions like these:
- “What are you interested in?”
- “Is it ok if you use a condom?”
Such statements ensure the recorded conversation covers the required sex-for-money elements of the crime.
The officer will then request that the patron place his payment or “donation” somewhere in the room. When the patron does so, the crime of prostitution has been committed. The undercover officer gives the arrest signal, and the rest of the surveillance team enters the room and places the patron under arrest. The entire conversation between the patron and the undercover officer is video recorded and used as evidence for the prosecution.
Minnesota Prostitution Attorney
These prostitution stings are set up by police with aid from prosecutors. They are crafted around what prosecutors will ask defendants in the courtroom. It is a process predicated on deception. If you are caught up in a prostitution sting operation, it is imperative that you contact a Minnesota prostitution attorney immediately. A good defense lawyer can guide you through the legal system and guarantee that you have the best defense possible.
For more information about how prostitution stings work, check out our blog on the subject.